Bontera Dynamik-T
High-Performing Trichoderma Species

What is Bontera® Dynamik-T?
Bontera® Dynamik-T is a highly effective and powerful blend of all-naturally occurring beneficial soil fungi, designed to maintain and stimulate a plant's rhizosphere. It is a concentrated fungal product, formulated as a bio-fertilizer and plant growth enhancer to be used on all crops and in all soil types.
Bontera® Dynamik-T is a water-soluble powder concentrate containing a blend of Trichoderma species, formulated in a unique combination of organic acids, making it stable for two years in a wide variety of storage conditions.
Key Benefits Of Dynamik-T:
Stimulates root development
Improves soil quality
Increases overall plant health
Registered Plant Nutrients of Dynamik-T:
RSA - Group 3 Fertilizer Reg. no. M23 (Act 36 of 1947)
Trichoderma spp. 640,000,000 cfu/ml
Directions For Use
Bontera® Dynamik-T is supplied in a water-soluble powder concentrate for extended shelf-life and ease of handling. One hundred gram of the water-soluble powder concentrate is equal to 1 Litre of liquid concentrate. Dosage below per litre is based on the amount of liquid concentrate required.
Ensure that mixing tanks and equipment are free of chemical residues and use fresh, clean water for the dilution. It is preferable to apply the product in the late afternoon or in cooler weather, avoiding UV-rays and extreme temperatures. Use mixed product within 18 hours.
Bontera® Dynamik-T liquid concentrate is ready to use and can be applied to the soil by all known methods including in-furrow application, seed treatment, pivot, boom sprayer, micros and drippers and aerial sprays.
Soil Drench Application: 250ml/ha - 500ml/ha
Bontera® Dynamik-T can be co-applied with chemical fertilizers. Do not co-apply Bontera® Dynamik-T with fungicides. For best results use in combination with Bontera® Impact and Bontera® FungiBac.
Storage Instructions
Store in an airtight container under dry/cool conditions (20°C; 68°F). Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.