Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How can Bontera be applied?

With proper agitation, all of the products can be applied using any type of irrigation or spray equipment. Concentration, application rates, and number of applications per year may vary by type of crop.

Is Bontera a Fertiliser or a Pesticide?

There is a lot of conflicting information out there about these types of products, and many different explanations for what they do. The Bontera® products aren’t pesticides (plant protection products), but they also aren’t fertilizer (plant nutrition) products. Rather, the Bontera® range of products uniquely facilitate the uptake of existing and applied nutrients, enhances plant health, and increases plant’s resistance to stresses. Bontera® products do not protect the crop directly by killing pests and diseases, like pesticides do, but rather indirectly by strengthening the plant and enhancing natural processes.

On which crops can it be used?

Bontera® products can be used on any crop. Please contact us from crop specific application guidelines.

What are Bontera’s agricultural benefits?

Bontera® products help to improve soil fertility, crop quality and yield. Our products increase nutrient availability leading to increased plant health and robust root development.

Are there any restrictions on the use of Bontera® products?

There are no minimum restrictions on the amount of water required per hectare. There are also no grazing restrictions or waiting periods after application. Bontera® products are 100% organically derived. They contain no synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms and are completely compatible with all sustainable and organic growing practices.

How should Bontera Products be stored?

Most of the Bontera range can be stored for up to two years at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C. Protect it from freezing, as freezing will diminish the product’s performance. Before using the products always check the expiry dates printed on the packaging.